RISE – Ultimate Project Manager & CRM (Bundle Addons)
RISE adalah aplikasi manajemen proyek dan CRM yang sangat baik yang meningkatkan produktivitas dan kepuasan pelanggan.
Anda dapat mengelola proyek, klien & tim Anda dengan mudah di satu tempat. Ini mencakup semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola bisnis Anda secara efektif.
Bundle PluginList:
1. Poll Manager for RISE CRM
2. Mollie Payment method for Rise CRM
3. Password Manager for Rise CRM
4. Inventory management for rise crm
5. Jitsi integration for rise crm
6. Social Login for Rise CRM
7. Rest Api for Rise CRM
8. GMeet Integration for Rise CRM
9. Zoom Integration for Rise CRM
10. Easy Backup for Rise CRM
11. Accounting and Bookkeeping for Rise CRM
12. Login as client plugin for rise crm
13. Microsoftteams integration for rise crm
14. Paystack payment method for rise crm
15. Twofactor authentication for rise crm
16. Purchase management plugin
17. Twofactor authentication
18. Assets management
19. AWS-S3 integration
20. Banner manager
21. Flexible backup restore module
22. Mailbox plugin
23. Riseguard the powerful security toolset plugin
24. Skype-integration
25. Timecamp-integration
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